I ran across a comic the other day (Well, actually I didn’t run a comic over; I saw one in the newspaper). In the comic a house and landscape are littered with toilet paper and a man and woman are surveying the situation. The man says, “What did we do to deserve this miraculous bounty of free toilet paper?” while the woman is looking at him as if he were nuts.
What a terrific attitude! In a situation that could be seen as a royal pain in cleaning up all of that mess, one could look at it and see a lucky break in getting all of this free toilet paper. Granted, where I live in Port Orchard, Washington, chances are good the TP would be pretty soggy. But it would be free.
I think this “glass-half-full” attitude is how one could view life. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to go through life seeing everything in the best possible light? I have seen so many times in peoples lives where a positive attitude makes all the difference. In people recovering from all kinds of difficulties, ailments, surgeries, concerns, cares, grief, and much more, I have witnessed a remarkable endurance and quicker recovery all because of a positive attitude.
I’m mindful of the apostle Paul’s urging, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17).
It seems that people with positive attitudes in all circumstances of life might be living out a “God thing.” Maybe that’s why when life “bounces” them, they bounce back quicker.